Get ready to sing “Sabbath Welcome,” a beautifully illustrated hymn about Sabbath.
Children will quickly pick up the tune with our accompaniment MP3 recording (purchase here) and learn the words as they look at the pictures.
This is a must have for Sabbath schools, homeschools, family worships, and kids’ praise time. Purchase now!
Includes the sheet music for this song; you may also download an MP3 of the computer-generated audio.
Spiralbound; printed on cardstock.
Actual size: 8.5 x 11.
Verse 1
We welcome this beautiful Sabbath of rest,
Our Father has made it, ’tis hallowed and blest;
In songs of devotion, thanksgiving and praise,
Our hearts and our voices together we’ll raise.
Let us worship our King, and be glad while we sing,
Let the hills and the valleys with melody ring;
Let the deep hear the strain, and repeat it again,
Hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah! Amen.
Verse 2
Let us joyfully go to the temple of prayer,
The Lord will be with us, His children are there;
The light of His glory, the smile of His love,
Will beam like the sun from His kingdom above.
Verse 3
How happy the people whose God is the Lord,
Who walk in His counsel, and trust in His Word;
And look for the promise the Savior has given,
A robe and a crown for the faithful in heaven.