This VBS program helps you introduce Jesus to children who might not know Him and provides a fun and fulfilling experience for you and your team. We want to encourage children to connect with God by setting aside time each day for personal devotions, which we call “Time Alone with God” or TAG time.
This program is designed to make this habit practical and enjoyable, and it’s suitable for children from all kinds of backgrounds, including those who already come from Christian families.
Daily components include Bible stories, nature discoveries, activities, creative crafts, and memory fun.
What’s included in the package?
A complete program outline for a five-day, three-hour-a-day Vacation Bible School for ages four to twelve.
A leader’s planning guide including a list of recommended staff positions with a complete ministry description for each position.
Five fully-scripted theme talks for the opening sessions, and five interviews for the closing sessions.
Full age-graded instructions and/or scripts for each of four shops, which each age group (Junior, Primary, and Kindergarten) will experience in rotation each day:
Storybook Shop Children interactively learn a memory verse and experience a Bible story reinforcing the theme for the day.
Creator’s Workshop Children discover how wild creatures illustrate the truths of the Bible.
Body Shop Children get some active physical exercise along with reinforcement of the spiritual theme for the day.
Craft Shop Children unleash their own artistic creativity. Each craft will be a take-home or give-away reminder of the scriptural theme studied that day.
Three original, kid-friendly, worshipful songs in both print and audio format, with suggestions for their use at the beginning and end of each day’s program; plus suggestions for additional uplifting songs and song sources.
Two CDs
A data CD with PowerPoint® slides for two of the included songs, plus copyable/customizable templates for registration forms, advertising materials and church publicity items, including a needs list for soliciting donated craft materials and other needed items.
An audio CD with piano accompaniment for each of the three new songs, plus a recording of children actually singing two of the songs.